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Good rental company

Bewertet: Mo, 6 Nov, 2017
Über Alamo: 8.8 /10
Like: The experience at pick-up and the car, very professional and friendly staff. They gave me a big car Citroen C4 Picasso, but finally I choose a smaller one Renault Clio. The lady at picking-up -Rabab- was fair and pointed me that I have paid for a bigger car than the chosen one. She just wanted to make sure I understood about the downgrade by choosing a car from a smaller group.
Dislike: The company should send e-mail with instructions where to find the rental office in the airport. At Nice Airport Terminal 1, following the signs you go... nowhere, because the rental offices moved in Terminal 2. When dropping-off the car the person who checked the car told me the car was hit on the left side for about more than one meter long. Really I did not see anything, I did not hit the car, I was the only driver all the time. I understand they have to check properly the car when return, but not to show things which I did not do. And really I did not see any damage on the front left door. Finally a supervisor came and set things ok. Maybe the lady was too meticulous in doing the job, but left a bitter taste by showing me something which wasn't real. After all, the car was fully insured, but i did not like the idea to cover something which was not visible and did not came by my fault.
Intermediate SUV | Renault Captur oder ähnlich

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