Dislike: After landing I had a number to call Reddy Shuttles to deliver us to our car pickup,the guy who answered was not helpful at all,I was later to find out they are just in front of where we picked up the rental,why did he refuse to pick us up?
Our holiday was made by everything coming together,I will always come there for a Rental,was so easy
Revisados: Vie, 21 Sep 2018
Acerca de BARGAIN:10.0/10
Like: It was the first time travelling to Aus with my wife and children,you expect the wheels to fall off at any stage,it all went great. Dislike: After landing I had a number to call Reddy Shuttles to deliver us to our car pickup,the guy who answered was not helpful at all,I was later to find out they are just in front of where we picked up the rental,why did he refuse to pick us up?
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Our holiday was made by everything coming together,I will always come there for a Rental,was so easy
Dislike: After landing I had a number to call Reddy Shuttles to deliver us to our car pickup,the guy who answered was not helpful at all,I was later to find out they are just in front of where we picked up the rental,why did he refuse to pick us up?