+81 3-4578-4029
+81 3-4578-4029
ジープレネゲード image
【レンタル車種グループ】:中級SUV | ジープレネゲード または同等クラス
【席】:5 つ
【ドア数】:4 つ
Pete Kehoe
Pete Kehoe:
Maggiore に関する口コミ:

We were given a car with a flat tire. Tire pressure light immediately came out 15 km after we left. We filled up the tire each morning for 3 days until it got really bad. Brought it to the Verona airport to exchange cars and they insisted the tire wasn’t flat. I told them I just filled it up 10 minutes ago so we could get there. They then charged us for another whole rental which cost more for 3 days than the original charge of a car for 7 days. I paid for two car rentals. I tried to have them think logically saying why would I drive out of the way while on vacation to exchange a car for the same thing or lesser if there wasn’t a problem. Sure enough as they argued you could see the tire got flat. They never even apologized. It was an extremely unpleasant experience

出発 : 2019年7月10日 (水) イタリア · ミラノ · ミラノマルペンサ空港(MXP)
返却 : 2019年7月17日 (水) イタリア · ミラノ ·
投稿日: 2019年7月20日 (土)

Maggiore の口コミ


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