Advice on voucher that Dollar operates through/in conjuntion with Hertz in Lisbon airport.
J.Ferreira Goncalves
검토됨: 2019년1월18일 (금)
대해서 Dollar:8.3/10
The fact that Dollar is represented by Hertz, was not clear. On the Dollar counter there was a sign with a finger pointing to the left, however unclear that left meant the Hertz counter next door as opposed to a self service kiosk placed on the Dollar counter where you are supposed to introduce your RA no. or Vehicle registration no. and then proceed to the car park.
이제 신용카드와 직불카드 외에도 암호화폐로 온라인 차량 대여비를 지불할 수 있습니다! Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH)가 허용됩니다. Bitcoin 거래가 얼마나 걸리는지 또는 Bitcoin으로 어떻게 지불하는지 궁금하신가요? 더 많은 세부 정보를 보려면 FAQs를 읽어보세요
Advice on voucher that Dollar operates through/in conjuntion with Hertz in Lisbon airport.