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Scam: forced to buy an unnecessary insurance at 3 times the price of our booking!

Bewertet: Mi, 20 Dez, 2023
Über Record Go: 5.0 /10
We had a terrible experience and got scammed by Record Go. We first waited an hour and twenty minutes in the line at the counter, on arrival. When it was our turn, they refused our Amex while on the QeeQ reservation the AMEX icon was shown to mention they accepted it (with a cryptic barely visible small print that some insurance was needed) They then made us take an insurance that was 3 times our booking price for a week! The most infuriating was that they accepted debit cards (which we had too) but the staff at the counter, even if they knew we wanted to try any other solution, didn't even mention it, to make sure we paid the high premium! This was a scam. And it's unfortunate because the rest of the service was good.
Über QEEQ: 10.0 /10
I love Qeeq.com, and its ease of booking and finding the best car options, including specially 2 features: the car being cancellable until 48h before the pick up, and auto-rebooking when the price drop. The help desk is also really helpful and fast to answer, this is perfect service.
Kompakt | Opel Mokka oder ähnlich

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