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Bewertet: Sa, 18 Okt, 2014
Über Dollar: 6.0 /10
Pickup at San Francisco International Airport took about 30 minutes of waiting in line, which felt a bit long. Service attitude was average. Return at Los Angeles International Airport was very quick and extremely friendly. Despite clearly stating that we did not need the option of purchasing a full tank of gas and returning the car empty, it was still included in the bill. It was only removed after reiterating our preference. We received a Nissan Qashqai instead of the reserved Ford Escape, which was disappointing because we wanted to drive an American car. After using it, the car's condition felt average. The car had over 40,000 miles on it at pickup. The trunk was full of luggage with three people in the car. Given the higher speeds in the US, we didn't expect this car to accelerate quickly. On several-mile-long uphill stretches in the west, even with the gas pedal to the floor, it only reached about 70 mph, which felt weak. On continuous downhill segments, although we slowed down to avoid frequent braking, the brake pads still felt hot, causing noticeable shaking during braking. After driving on flat roads for a while and allowing the wind to cool the brakes, it improved slightly.
Über QEEQ: 10.0 /10

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