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Verfügbar zwischen 10:00 und 19:00 Uhr (japanische Zeit)
Bewertet: Do, 7 Dez, 2023
Über Budget: 2.0 /10
When returning the car, I followed the navigation to the location provided by the rental company, only to find the gate locked. It was already 5:30 AM (working hours) and there was no one to ask. The provided phone number was not answered. For 15 anxious minutes, I was at a loss. Eventually, other customers arrived at the wrong location as well. Together with 3-4 other cars, we searched around the streets. Finally, we found a guard station with an 'Avis' sign, and the guard, who seemed to be in a bad mood perhaps because it was early morning, told me indifferently to park inside. The yard was full of cars, and there was no one to collect the keys or inspect the car. When I asked again, he said to leave the keys inside the car and just walk away. I had no choice but to hurry because I needed to take a small train to a different terminal for my flight. I almost missed my flight due to this terrible rental experience which nearly caused me a loss...

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