+81 3-4578-4029
+81 3-4578-4029
【席】:5 つ
【ドア数】:4 つ
Louis Barney
Louis Barney:
Surprice レンタカーに関する口コミ:

The car rental price is much cheaper than other well-known companies, but there are extra charges when picking up the car! This company said that the full insurance I bought through the rental website was not theirs and required me to charge 2450 euros as a deposit, which exceeded my French credit card's single transaction limit. Then they immediately suggested that I could charge only 400 euros if I paid an additional 20 euros per day as a fee. So the actual rental cost was 20 euros more per day compared to the booking price on the website! Although overall still cheaper than big companies like Hertz, this kind of trick is very annoying! In my over twenty years of renting cars in Europe, I've never experienced this before; usually, paying for insurance means no deposit required. True to their company name (Surprice=Surprise). The staff was nice, but this trick was unexpected. I saw that everyone was discussing with them for a long time, and the waiting time to pick up the car was quite long. I recommend not renting from this company.


I recommend not renting from Surprice. Although their rental prices are much cheaper than other well-known rental companies, there are extra charges when you pick up the car! This company said that the full insurance I bought through the rental website was not theirs and required me to charge 2450 euros as a deposit, which exceeded my French credit card's single transaction limit. Then they immediately suggested that I could charge only 400 euros if I paid an additional 20 euros per day as a fee. So the actual rental cost was 20 euros more per day compared to the booking price on the website! Although overall still cheaper than big companies like Hertz, this kind of trick is very annoying! In my over twenty years of renting cars in Europe, I've never experienced this before; usually, paying for insurance means no deposit required. True to their company name (Surprice=Surprise). The staff was still nice, but this trick was unexpected and inconvenient. I saw that everyone was discussing with them for a long time, and the waiting time to pick up the car was quite long. There is no dedicated parking for returns, which is very inconvenient.

出発 : 2024年9月8日 (日) ポルトガル · ポルト · ポルト空港(OPO)
返却 : 2024年9月8日 (日) ポルトガル · ポルト · ポルト空港(OPO)
投稿日: 2019年4月22日 (月)

Surprice レンタカー ポルト空港の口コミ

Surprice レンタカーに関する口コミ:

1.注文したベンツのvitoはなくて、シトロエンのspacetourをあげて、後ろにただ搭乗の荷物を置くことができて、幸い私達はすべて搭乗の荷物です。 2.チャイルドシートは非常に不潔で、明らかに前の子供の乳を吐いた跡があって、きれいに掃除しなかった。 踏んで3 .チェックinのとき私买彼らの推薦、保険、一日に約20欧州、私の選択がない、しかし、彼らは依然として推薦を重ねて、最後だけを言って私が国内で买った、保険、したことに私は先行22すれば、最後に彼らの保険



【席】:9 つ 【ドア数】:4 つ 【MT】
【利用计划】:1名 4日レンタル
出発 : 2019年8月9日 (金) ポルトガル · ポルト · ポルト空港(OPO)
返却 : 2019年8月13日 (火) ポルトガル · ポルト · ポルト空港(OPO)
もっと見る >
投稿日: 2019年8月15日 (木)


クレジットカードとデビットカードに加えて、2020年に暗号通貨でのオンラインレンタカーの支払いができるようになりました。ビットコイン(BTC)、イーサリアム(ETH)、ビットコインキャッシュ(BCH)が受け入れられます。 ビットコイン取引にはどれくらいの時間がかかり、ビットコインでどのように支払うのでしょうか? よくある質問をご覧ください