The attitude wasn't good, that's one thing; I think I encountered a scam. Photos attached, two small damages, not even sure if they're caused by me. I didn't take photos of the car when I picked it up, so I'm at a disadvantage. When returning the car, the guy who spoke French wiped the dust off the front windshield with his hand and found a small dent. Also, the rims of three wheels were scratched. The deposit was directly charged as an expense! Now they say they will keep my entire deposit, over twenty thousand. Ridiculous, right? If Zuzuche doesn't resolve this issue, this platform is meaningless. I waited for more than two months for this result!
The attitude wasn't good, that's one thing; I think I encountered a scam. Photos attached, two small damages, not even sure if they're caused by me. I didn't take photos of the car when I picked it up, so I'm at a disadvantage. When returning the car, the guy who spoke French wiped the dust off the front windshield with his hand and found a small dent. Also, the rims of three wheels were scratched. The deposit was directly charged as an expense! Now they say they will keep my entire deposit, over twenty thousand. Ridiculous, right? If QEEQ doesn't resolve this issue, this platform is meaningless.
The attitude wasn't good, that's one thing; I think I encountered a scam. Photos attached, two small damages, not even sure if they're caused by me. I didn't take photos of the car when I picked it up, so I'm at a disadvantage. When returning the car, the guy who spoke French wiped the dust off the front windshield with his hand and found a small dent. Also, the rims of three wheels were scratched. The deposit was directly charged as an expense! Now they say they will keep my entire deposit, over twenty thousand. Ridiculous, right? If Zuzuche doesn't resolve this issue, this platform is meaningless. I waited for more than two months for this result!
The attitude wasn't good, that's one thing; I think I encountered a scam. Photos attached, two small damages, not even sure if they're caused by me. I didn't take photos of the car when I picked it up, so I'm at a disadvantage. When returning the car, the guy who spoke French wiped the dust off the front windshield with his hand and found a small dent. Also, the rims of three wheels were scratched. The deposit was directly charged as an expense! Now they say they will keep my entire deposit, over twenty thousand. Ridiculous, right? If QEEQ doesn't resolve this issue, this platform is meaningless.
全身に小さな傷がある車を渡され、軽く点検されました。返却時に3つの傷があると言われました。全身傷だらけの車なのに、なぜ私がその3つの傷をつけたと言えるのですか?自分で気をつけて運転し、駐車場も選んでいたし、ほとんど高速道路を走っていました。左側、右側、底部スカートにそれぞれ傷があると言われましたが、そんなの納得できません。 フィスレンタカーを思い出すと、保険に入らないと再三確認したときのスタッフの目つきが頭に浮かびます。騙された気がします。
完全にブラックショップ!6月16日の当日の午前中に車を返して、受け取って、また車を洗ってやっと車を渡します。 結局三日後に、私の前払いした保証金の整筆MAD36000をクレジットカードで費用を掛けて、原因はなんといって自働車の荷物の蓋をなくしました! !このスーツケースの蓋は、私たちに渡したときにはまったくなかったし、私が車を返したときにも、検査でこの質問をしなかったという。彼らが私にくれた車の状況報告もきれいだった。彼らは事情を聞かないで私のすべての保証金を変更して費用、これは何万元です! !その結果、1周間以上がかかって、Qeeqと車のラインを確認して、車のラインは費用を差し戻すことを表明した。しかしやはり7-15日待って、その時にお金を受け取っても、きっと交換価格は損をして、誰がこの差額の損失を担当しますか? ?
レンタカーpickup店と住所確認はno 1 kissariat de la foire、fes取りが従来の真の車の住所はboulevard lalla meryem(、3ページ)! !結局半鐘がかかった。しかし、Qeeqのフォローはまだ十分です。