This company does not have a counter at the airport. Because we arrived earlier at the airport it was very difficult to find out where to pick up the car, after making several inquiries from other at other counters we were told that a bus would should up in the parking lot at some point. by going on line we were able to find a main number in Lisbon and called it, after a 15 minute wait the agent told us that the bus would be arriving in 10 minutes. Half an hour went buy and still no bus, finally we were able to locate a local number and managed to arrange for a pick up to their location a few minutes outside the airport. When we got to the rental location, we were told that our car was not available because we were an hour early and the only choice was to take an upgrade for an extra 60.00 Euros or wait an hour, we agreed to pay the extra since we had to be somewhere quickly.
The booking platform is great. The only comment would be to clarify where the car rental company is. Also if you could specify costs for an additional driver.
This company does not have a counter at the airport. Because we arrived earlier at the airport it was very difficult to find out where to pick up the car, after making several inquiries from other at other counters we were told that a bus would should up in the parking lot at some point. by going on line we were able to find a main number in Lisbon and called it, after a 15 minute wait the agent told us that the bus would be arriving in 10 minutes. Half an hour went buy and still no bus, finally we were able to locate a local number and managed to arrange for a pick up to their location a few minutes outside the airport. When we got to the rental location, we were told that our car was not available because we were an hour early and the only choice was to take an upgrade for an extra 60.00 Euros or wait an hour, we agreed to pay the extra since we had to be somewhere quickly.
The booking platform is great. The only comment would be to clarify where the car rental company is. Also if you could specify costs for an additional driver.
とても悪い。僕らのフライトのdelayは、到着して十一時十分過ぎ、彼女たちはすでに営業時間を終えていると言っていた。延長サービスの大丈夫は理解できるが、私を訊きに関連規定はどこでどうして40ユーロの时、あのスタッフ、私の思いちがいはmonicaと呼ばず、直接と壁のピケットを指した自分を见ないのか!態度が悪い!私は自分で見ることができて、しかしそれはポルトガルの文です、私は分かることができても聞きません!そして彼女にどれが関連規定なのかを指摘させた。彼女はあなたが調べられないと言っていますか。もし私に言われたら、私はあなたに40ユーロだけではなく、勝手に値段をつけます。もっとも奇妙なことに、その価格は40ユーロではなく50ユーロなので、それが会社のルールなのか、それとも彼女が自分で受け取ったお金なのかわからない。 車を取りに行くまでの全過程の体験はとても悪くて、いろいろな保険を購入して、車種をアップグレードして、私はすべていらないと言って、それから態度は更に悪くて、私達はもとはSmartで、結局車の具合が悪いopelを1台あげて、それから私達に自分で車を検査しに行きます。以前アメリカで生活した経験から、スタッフが一緒に検車に来てくれて、自分で描いてくれと言われて、夜は照明が悪いので、よく見えないところがあるかもしれない、という予感がした。だから車のあちこちを撮影した。案の定、車を返したときは難癖をつけていた。まず駐車場を全くスタッフ、我々が闻降りた後、カウンターにた長い列、そしてあのスタッフたちが再び駐車場に験车。検車のいろいろな言いがかりをつけて、お前たちはその時どうしてここが描けなかったのかと言って、弁償金を払った。幸いに写真を撮って、彼と理論をして、最後に余分なお金はありません!しかし、検査が終わった後にまた私達に自分達に会航站楼を歩かせて、幸いにも予約した1時間、そうでなければならないならば、このようにすると飛行機はきっと間に合わない!要するに、私はあった最悪のレンタカー体験、一つない!サービスが悪い、車が悪い!とても悪い!