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Bewertet: Sa, 6 Jan, 2018
Über AVIS: 2.0 /10
I had already purchased the Super Supplementary Full Insurance and Full Coverage Insurance from Zuzuche. When I picked up the car in Belgrade, the staff asked me to buy their insurance for 400 euros. If there were no claims, they would refund 270 euros, but otherwise, they would charge the full 400 euros. This is outrageous! I have rented cars in Australia, Canada, the UK, Russia, Norway, and Thailand, and never encountered such a bad experience. When I showed them my Zuzuche order, they completely ignored it and were very rude, using all kinds of persuasion and threats, saying I would need to call the police for any minor issue. During the inspection, the car was already in bad condition, but even the minor scratches were noted (as mentioned by the staff). We recorded everything we could see to avoid being charged for anything unseen. When returning the car, we found that a stone had cracked the front windshield. The rental company charged 33,000 local currency, approximately 2,200 RMB, almost equal to the rental cost. Whether I can claim this from Zuzuche is still unknown. If not, I might as well buy the local insurance next time. Issues like stones hitting the windshield are not due to driving skills but just bad luck. Returning the car took over an hour with numerous documents to sign. This experience was not good, unlike other countries where I just drop the key in the key box and head to the plane.

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