I needed to rent a car for 20 days, but on the second day of use, the car's display indicated a lack of windshield washer fluid, so I had to buy a bottle and refill it. On the third day, the vehicle indicated maintenance was needed in 300 km. Because the display was in Turkish, it seriously affected my usage. The rental company's customer service told me that for diesel cars, it might need AD Blue or engine oil, and I should add it myself. However, they did not inform me beforehand who would cover the cost or what brand of AD Blue and engine oil to use. I found a Shell gas station and asked the staff to check, and they said the message was not for adding AD Blue. This caused a whole day of worry about using the car improperly and potentially damaging it.
Turkey is a great country for road trips with excellent road conditions and clear traffic signs, offering unlimited scenic views. Toll fees are low and diesel cars have very low fuel consumption. The only exception is Istanbul, which is not suitable for driving, but public transportation is highly developed, including the metro.
出発 : 2024年11月30日 (土) トルコ · イスタンブール · Istanbul Airport(IST)
返却 : 2024年11月30日 (土) トルコ · イスタンブール · Istanbul Airport(IST)
I needed to rent a car for 20 days, but on the second day of use, the car's display indicated a lack of windshield washer fluid, so I had to buy a bottle and refill it. On the third day, the vehicle indicated maintenance was needed in 300 km. Because the display was in Turkish, it seriously affected my usage. The rental company's customer service told me that for diesel cars, it might need AD Blue or engine oil, and I should add it myself. However, they did not inform me beforehand who would cover the cost or what brand of AD Blue and engine oil to use. I found a Shell gas station and asked the staff to check, and they said the message was not for adding AD Blue. This caused a whole day of worry about using the car improperly and potentially damaging it.
Turkey is a great country for road trips with excellent road conditions and clear traffic signs, offering unlimited scenic views. Toll fees are low and diesel cars have very low fuel consumption. The only exception is Istanbul, which is not suitable for driving, but public transportation is highly developed, including the metro.
Green Motion Istanbul Airportの口コミ
レンタカー会社は車両の基本的な定期メンテナンス、保養、検査が欠けている。ワイパーのゴムカバーがなくなっていて(金属部分が直接フロントガラスに傷を付ける)、150キロ走った後に交換しに戻らざるを得なかった。これで半日以上もロスし、高速代200元、ガソリン代もかかった。レンタカー会社は問題を認めるが、未だに一銭も補償してくれない。ディーゼル車の場合、エンジン尿素の定期点検と交換が必要(エンジンオイルの交換に似ている)。そうしないとエンジンが始動しなくなる。それを怠ったため、中部山岳地帯の高速道路で故障し、救援を呼ぶ羽目になった。このための時間と費用の損失はかなり大きい。 この二つの出来事だけでブラックリスト入り確定だ。レンタカーは少し安いけど、最終的には千元以上の損失と一日の時間を無駄にした。 三つ目:車を返却して一か月半後に、突然クレジットカードから470元以上が引き落とされ(最初は不正利用かと思った)、まだ理由がわかっていないし、返金もされていない。現在、レンタカー会社の対処を待っている!