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Suchen Sie nach DU ICH MIETE EIN AUTO Autovermietungen in Naha

It’s ok . Good

Bewertet: Di, 10 Dez, 2019
Über YOU I RENT A CAR: 7.7 /10
I have been given Toyota Yaris instead of the Nissan Note even they have plenty of the Nissan. The car is good clean condition but the engine gives too much noisy sound, it’s not smooth engine as the Nissan. I don’t like the rental company because at the beginning they were forcing me to sign papers that will shoulder accident penalty to my side which I totally refused because I have paid AXA insurance to waive this penalty . The office tried to trick me into this by saying I will have to pay that part of any accident and then I will be able to collect it from the insurance which is not good and not correct . Any way . The car was ok. But the built in GPS is always taking me into the Toll gates which is really costly . I advice everyone to have their own gps system in their mobile or what ever device, Better than the one in the car .
Über QEEQ: 9.0 /10
As per the website, there is an option says that if the price got discounted after the purchase and the total payment, this option will allow for the refund of the total discounted price before the date of using the car. That is totally not true. On the same day of using the car and just 2 hours ahead of receiving it, I made a search on the website and found the price was cheaper, so I canceled my booking and booked again with the new cheaper price, which was easyrentcars have done it by giving me the difference as per their promise. So people you need to keep checking on the prices till the last time .
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Kompakt | Nissan Note oder ähnlich

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