I purchased a full coverage insurance, but upon arrival at the shop, I was asked to pay additional insurance fees. The rental company said the payment I made was to the booking company, not to them. The rental company aggressively upsold and even somewhat threatened that if problems arise, contacting the booking hotline would not help as there was no effective communication between the booking company and the rental company. This was very disappointing.
Drive On Holidays
I purchased a full coverage insurance, but upon arrival at the shop, I was asked to pay additional insurance fees. The rental company said the payment I made was to the booking company, not to them. The rental company aggressively upsold and even somewhat threatened that if problems arise, contacting the booking hotline would not help as there was no effective communication between the booking company and the rental company. This was very disappointing.
Drive On Holidays Lisbon - Airportの口コミ
Drive On Holidays
Drive On Holidays
まったくおすすめしません。この地元の小さな会社は、問題があっても構わない、態度が悪い!国人はだまされるな。私は図案が安くなった,今スリリングに帰国して,教訓を得た!空港にはお店がなくて、見つかりません。以下に詳しいコメントがあります。新車が問題になったが、店員や顧客サービスは、小さな故障は正常だと口をそろえていた。車はスペインで壊れていて、このポルトガルの店はそこはサービス範囲ではなくて、あなた自身に頼るしかないと言う! ! !私は30ヨーロッパの海外出張料を払って、すべて危険なのですか?!大企業の24時間とは違い、ここでは8 ~ 20時に働きます。超過時間は30ユーロです。車を取ります時に油を満タンではなくて、従業員は私に大丈夫だと言って、しかし契約の上で満タンを表示して、帰って来て満タンではなくて、30ヨーロッパ罰せられて、理論は無効で、人の契約に注意していないで、唖然とした!
Drive On Holidays
Drive On Holidays
Drive On Holidays