“Faire attention à ALAMO qui essaie de vous faire payer plus cher”
About Alamo:6.3/10
J'avais réservé une Ford Mustang Cabriolet sur le site Easyrentcars.com. Le site m'a routé sur Alamo, que j'ai retenu car le moins cher dans le comparatif (vraiment moins cher que les autres loueurs).
Le modèle précis de la Mustang n'était pas précisé et cela m'était égal, je voulais juste rouler en Mustang Cabriolet.
Lors du retrait du véhicule, la dame du comptoir ALAMO m'a indiqué m'upgrader vers la Ford Mustang Cabriolet en version V8 5.0litres (le gros moteur), car cela lui faisait plaisir de me l'offrir. Je lui ai demandé de me confirmer à 2 reprises (pour être sûr de bien comprendre) que ce serait sans aucun surcoût.
Grande déception et colère au moment de restituer le véhicule : je découvre que l'on me facture un supplément de 20 dollars par jour pour upgrade ! Soit 140 dollars de supplément puisque j'avais loué pour 7 jours. J'ai dû me mettre en colère pour que le supplément soit annulé et cela m'a pris 45 minutes. Heureusement que j'avais de la marge pour prendre mon avion...
Donc ma recommandation : n'acceptez pas l'upgrade offert, car c'est une arnaque et une tentative de vous facturer plus à la restitution, si vous n'avez pas le temps ou si vous n'osez pas vous y opposer. Comme ils ont l'empreinte de votre carte bancaire, c'est infaillible. C'est vraiment inadmissible comme pratique !
Au final cela s'est bien fini pour moi, car je parle bien anglais et que j'ai tout de suite pris les mesures (refus de signer le bon de retour et le solde de tout compte - attente au bureau des réclamations où je me suis mis en colère tout de suite pour qu'ils comprennent immédiatement que je ne me laisserais pas faire).
The van was a dream to drive. It suited yhe amount of people we had in our party. The staff were so great, so easy both at pick up, bearing in mind its hot and everyone is watching you and drop off with all the luggage. They added to my holiday experience. Thanks
About QEEQ:10.0/10
Finding and booking was so easy. Took a total of 30 mins in total. We got what we wanted. Thanks
Upon arrival; it was the fastest pickup yet in 8 years time at a car rental. very efficient staff over there at Sansford.
The car in this case a Dodge Caravan, has issues with the automatic shift. Often the engine does not respond when you are over 50MPH and try to speed up. you need to lower speed and than gas-pedal again.
I looked it up and it is commonly know for the dogde caravan.
Maybe next time i'll take a toyota or a nissan.
It is of course not Alamo's fault but a general issue with the dodge.
“Frustrated by the fuel option switch at the airport.
Excellent car though.”
About Alamo:9.0/10
All was smooth. I was asked if I wanted an upgrade but I was quoted an upgrade price that was more than my actual booking so I declined.
I was signed up for a full to empty fuel package without asking for it. I believe I should have been full to full. This spoilt my overall experience of Alamo.
Car was fantastic, I believe virtually brand new. My one very minor niggle, the inside of the windscreen hadn’t been cleaned since delivery as you could see all the sticker marks when the sun shone on it, but didn’t detract from the whole hire experience.
About QEEQ:10.0/10
Booking platform was plain, simple and easy to run through. Extremely good value.
One small point, the hotel you had named on my paperwork to collect car from had changes its name so took a little while finding it
When picking up the car in Orlando, the rental company didn't try to sell us anything. They just asked basic questions, and the whole process took about ten minutes, mostly us asking questions. Returning the car at Miami airport was also easy. We returned it at 2:30 AM, following the instructions, and it was easy to find the location. Someone came out with a flashlight, checked the car, and gave us a receipt showing the return time and full tank. The whole process took just 2 minutes with no conversation. We also self-returned the car once in Orlando, which was very simple—just parked in front of the company and dropped the keys in the mailbox.
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