See below. The staff were relentless in giving the hard sell for extra more expensive insurance to the point of harassment and threats about financial loss. On returning the car the same staff then refused to speak English
“Goldcar were an awful rental company, they defrauded me by lying about not refuelling”
About GOLDCAR:6.0/10
The service was terrible. There was a very long queue on collection, we waited in the heat for over an hour. The staff were pleasant but clearly there weren't enough of them. I returned the car with a full fuel tank and Goldcar refused to inspect the car on arrival, again, the queues at the office were very long. They charged me for not refuelling which I am now disputing. I have photos of a full tank indicator and receipts from the service station at the airport. It was clearly fraud on their part. I will not use this provider again.
“Nothing wrong with the car, but disgusted with the bully boy tactics of goldcar”
About GOLDCAR:8.7/10
I think it’s a really vile practice of goldcar to force you to buy their insurance online (there’s no other way to secure the booking online) then brazenly declare when you go to collect the car that the insurance you HAVE to buy is useless and will not cover you. I picked their cheapest cover and just bought my own (for about £12) but you could see the disappointment on the lady’s face when she couldn’t extort an extra £100 from me. If they’re going to use such money grubbing tactics why not just charge more for the rental? They really should be taken to court. I’m also still waiting for my credit card refund.
Notre réservation s est globalement bien passée, mais nous avons encore eu une vente forcée soit disant Obligatoire,mais que nous n avons pas retrouvé spécifiée dans notre contrat: l obligation de payer 27euros pour soit disant avoir la flexibilité de rendre le réservoir non plein (une facturation de l essence éventuelle à remettre serait en plus retirée de la caution la restitution du vehicule).
Nous avons bien eu une Twingo,pas de surclassement. Nous n avons jamais eu une voiture si petite toutefois.
Courteous staff, car in decent condition if a little worn. Returned without any hassle. Would recommend to others.
About QEEQ:8.0/10
Easy to use and found a good deal. Important to be very clear on the conditions around purchasing insurance though, as this did lead to a longer pick up process than expected.
“Very unprofessional by some of the case handler.”
About GOLDCAR:7.0/10
return was smooth and enjoyable. The pick up whole process is horrible and full of inconvenience. The Goldcar doesn't accept amexrican express. When charge the debit car 1400 euro for deposit, they just do the conversion and make it 1260 Pounds themself . then when they later return deposit, they then return 1400 euro which converted automatically to 1200 pounds like market rate. So we just loss 60 pounds for nothing by the Goldcar customer named Hugo service person incompetence work.
About QEEQ:8.0/10
your pick up instruction was clearly wrongly written in the voucher as there is not shuttle bus from Goldcar to pick us up. We simply need to go to the Goldcar stand ourselves. Finding Goldcar stand is not difficult if not mislead by the Qeeq Voucher
“Je vois sur réseaux sociaux que je ne suis pas la seule victime de Goldcar .”
About GOLDCAR:6.3/10
Une bande de voyous , menteurs , arnaqueurs . Ils ont commis une erreur ( où volontaire ) dans le positionnement d'une rayure existante ( avant location ) et au retour ils m'ont enlevé 234 € en me disant que c'était moi qui l'avait faite . Nous sommes allés voir ensemble le véhicule avec l'employée , elle m'a dit qu'elle devait demander à sa responsable , à son retour elle m'a dit "c'est OK , c'est bon" , elle m'a fait signer sur 1 tablette , sans que je puisse voir la page entière et 2 jours après , ils m'ont débité 234 € sur la caution encaissée de 1240 € . Ils ont un garde devant leur porte , ça veut tout dire . Je dépose une plainte la semaine prochaine à la gendarmerie de Vitrolles + un signalement au Prefet .
Poor professionalism at the goldcar office in Marseille on pick up
The franchise was higher than the one said on the on contract because of my adress : discremination
The franchise i had back was lower than the franchise i paid
No possibility to complain
Impossible de récupérer la voiture avant l'horaire indiqué, nous avons attendus 2h30 à l'aéroport, Gold Car voulait nous faire payer une assurance à 14€/ jour x 14 jours pour pouvoir la récupérer avant! - Nous devions récupérer la voiture à 17h30, nous ne l'avons eu qu'à 18h20! Personnel désagréable que ce soit avec nous ou même avec les autres clients! Une file d'attente incroyable! BREF, service 0
Personnel au comptoir désagréable. Forte incitation à prendre une assurance en plus qui ne sert à rien mais sans laquelle nous ne pouvons prendre le véhicule...
Firts of all we have a huge problem because Gold car litetally robbed us. I need you solve my rental because they charged us 10 times more of what se have reserved at my credit card.
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